Scene Four
The stage is dark save for a single spotlight on a thick wooden door downstage right. It is the front of a house in the capitol a week later. YANG appears at the door. HE knocks. There is no response. HE knocks again, this time with considerable force. The door is opened by WAN. From within we hear sounds of a party in progress. WAN Yang!
Old friend Yang!
I could not be more surprised.
You are looking well.
YANG And you, also, Wan.
WAN The monastery,
How is that beautiful place?
How often I think
Of the wonderful weeks
I spent there.
YANG We had expected you to return
Before the leaves had fallen.
WAN How I wish I had!
The capitol can be wearying.(We hear a WOMAN's voice rise above the clatter inside.)WOMAN'S VOICE Wan! Where are you?
YANG We had not heard from you for so long.
I had imagined you were ill.
WAN No, I have not been ill.
WOMAN'S VOICE Wan! What are you doing?
WAN Yang, you must join the party!
It is most fun,
And I think you shall like the people.
YANG It is late,
And I must return to my room.
WAN Please stay awhile.
It has been too long.
WOMAN'S VOICE Wan, are you coming back inside?
WAN Come, old friend.
There is much delicious green wine.
You will enjoy yourself.
WOMAN'S VOICE Wan, did you hear me?
WAN I shall be there in a moment!
(to Yang)
What say you, old friend?
YANG Then Meilan was right.
WAN Right?
YANG You have forgotten her.
WAN No, that is not so!
I have thought of her often.
YANG You think of her often.
But you do not write.
And you do not return.
WAN Please.
We shall speak of it another time.
YANG No, we shall speak of it now!
How could you do this to her?
WAN I told you I think of her often.
That is true,
And with a special affection.
For Meilan was my first love.
But people grow
And while they grow
They grow away.
Someday I shall return,
But I could not marry her.
YANG Why could you not marry her?
WAN Because I could not.
YANG The woman you loved so passionately,
The woman you were willing to die for.
WAN If she could give herself to me so freely,
With how many others would she do the same?
YANG How can you say that!
How can you speak of Meilan like that!
Now, now she sits
Alone in the garden,
Waiting till you return.
Although she knows in her heart
You shall not return.
She loves you!
Can you understand that?
She loves you!
Can you understand something
As honest and simple as love?
WAN Love!
How everyone talks of love!
What is love anyway
But an awakening of youth?
Everything changes in this world.
You, of all people, know that.
The earth changes,
The sea changes,
The flesh changes,
The heart changes.
YANG Meilan was right again.
There are many ways of love.
WAN Please.
Let us speak of this no further.
YANG Then the willows by the western gate
And all those words
Were only real for those moments?
WAN You do not understand.
The words were sincere.
And the nights
Within the willows by the western gate
Are still close to my heart.
YANG You have no heart!
Oh, Wan,
I look into your eyes
And hear your voice
And try to believe
That this is not the man I knew.
You have no heart.
You have no heart.
WOMAN'S VOICE Wan, are you ever coming back in?
WAN I must go back now.
I cannot discuss this with you
When anything I say
Leads to such anger.
You were my friend,
And as a friend,
I thought you would understand.
Friends need no words
To speak to one another.
But I see now
I was wrong.
YANG You speak of friendship!
You speak of understanding!
What has happened to you?
You were not like this before.
WAN I have always been a human being.
YANG Then if you are a human being,
Meilan is a goddess!
WOMAN'S VOICE I will give you two minutes, and then I shall leave!
YANG If you could only see her face.
WAN That is enough.
This conversation has been most unfortunate.
I am deeply sorry,
But I must bid you goodnight.
YANG Wait!
There is one thing more!
Meilan has sent you a letter.
In it you shall find her jade ring.
Jade is the symbol of purity,
And the ring is the symbol of eternity.(YANG hands him the letter, turns quickly and walks off. WAN stares down at the envelope in his hand.)